Weekly Prayer

In different ways throughout the week, we gather to pray for direction, revival & renewal in our personal prayer lives, our church and the world around us. We invite you to join us!


  • Your kingdom is simple

    As simple as love

    You welcomed the children

    You stopped for the one

    We want to see people

    The way Jesus does

    Your kingdom is simple

    Lord teach it to us

    Your kingdom is humble

    As humble as death

    His King is a savior

    Who gave His last breath

    So may we die daily

    Our pride laid to rest

    His kingdom is humble

    And the broken are blessed


    Hallowed be Your name

    May we live and breathe Your praise


    Let all creation say

    Oh The King of heaven reigns

    (Yes he does, yes he does)

    Your kingdom is coming

    Your kingdom is here

    Alive in our waiting

    At work in our tears

    So come to us quickly

    Forever our prayer

    Your kingdom is coming

    Lord Jesus come near (hallelujah)

    Your kingdom is backwards

    It flows in reverse

    What You call a treasure

    This world calls a curse

    The small become great and

    The last become first

    Your kingdom is backwards

    Lord teach us to serve

    As it is with Your kingdom

    Let it be with Your church

    He reigns forever

    He reigns forever


Intercession is a fancy and cool word that describes a standing in the gap and a stepping in on somebody else’s behalf through prayer. If you’d like to be prayed for like this by our entire community, reach out to Justie.

  • Pray for healing

Praying the Psalms

Abbreviated and Adapted Introduction to the Psalms by Eugene Peterson

Most Christians for most of the Christian centuries have learned to pray by praying the Psalms. The Psalms are a prayer book that gives us language adequate for responding to the God who speaks to us. The Psalms teach us to pray by giving voice to the entire experience of being human, both honestly and thoroughly. 

The Psalms in their original language are earthy and rough. They are the utterances of men and women passionate for God in moments of anger and praise and lament. Modern english translations can miss something of that. 

In selecting the New Living Translation for our prayer exercise we are hoping to use a translation of the Psalms that show off the immense range and the terrific energies of prayer in the kind of language that is more immediate to the way we speak and think now. Just like the Psalms were originally written in a language and style that was common, understandable, and even raw and emotionally charged to its authors and readers. 

Only as we develop raw honesty and detailed thoroughness in our prayer do we become whole, truly human in Jesus Christ, who also prayed the Psalms

  • A prayer of David.

    1 Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;

    answer me, for I need your help.

    2 Protect me, for I am devoted to you.

    Save me, for I serve you and trust you.

    You are my God.

    3 Be merciful to me, O Lord,

    for I am calling on you constantly.

    4 Give me happiness, O Lord,

    for I give myself to you.

    5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,

    so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.

    6 Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;

    hear my urgent cry.

    7 I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,

    and you will answer me.


We want to be people who are thinking outside of our church and selves, praying for the world around us and saying yes to opportunities to share the good new of Jesus with the world around us. We know this process is dependent on prayer and want to create space for that weekly.