We believe that prayer is powerful.

Prayer is an incredible invitation to speak to and hear from our creator and or savior. We also believe that praying is a muscle that can grow or atrophy. Like so many things, to grow as a prayer and expand your capacity to hear from God takes practice and time. For some of us this at home reality is going to give us more time or a stronger desire to connect with God in prayer. Here are some resource suggestions:

  • Breath Prayer

    Use this guide to practice breath prayer.

    Circle Praying

    This resource teaches a simple way to organize your prayers.

  • Listening prayer is a simple way to create space in your life to hear from God. All you need is a piece of paper or journal, pen, and clear mind.

    Simply ask God, “What do you want to say to me?” Then sit, and wait, and listen. This will undoubtedly become the time you remember you need to buy pepper at the store, that you forgot to text your friend back last week, that you have a work email waiting for your attention, etc. I would jot those things down in the corner of your paper to address later and then fight for space to hear the voice of the Father. Just write, without judgment, anything you see or hear. A scripture, image, word, phrase… Start with 5 minutes and try to build stamina with this simple and yet powerful this kind of prayer. You may want a timer to create this space to hear from God.

  • Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst traveling to and from work, study, etc.

  • Use these prompts for Spiritual Journaling.

  • Lectio Divina means holy reading and it is a discipline which helps us to blend Scripture reading and prayer together

  • In Ephesians 6, the Bible teaches that our battle is not against flesh and blood. Fortunately, we have been given specific armor that we are to put on as we fight in this unseen world. I challenge you to take time this week to study this armor in Ephesians, spending time in prayer as you put on each piece. Even if this verse is familiar to you, I would encourage you to study this with a new lens as we walk through a global crisis. For those who are able, print this page out or this one and label each piece of armor, taking notes along the way. Hang it up near the place you get dressed each morning, as a physical reminder of this amazing gift we have been given. Feel free to color it as well, spending time in prayer while you do!

  • In his book, The Hour That Changes the World, Dick Eastman suggests one divided hour into 12 periods of 5 minutes. The aim of the pattern is to break the hour up into manageable parts, giving both variety and comprehensive coverage to different aspects of prayer. This document explains more about how to engage in this model of prayer.

The “Unanswered Prayer Course" will be a five-session online Zoom gathering starting in January. Its goal is to foster honest conversations about the most challenging and personal questions we all have about prayer, especially unanswered prayer.

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:15 starting January 14 and concluding February 11

Ask for Prayer